Thank you for joining or renewing your membership to the McLean County Wheelers Bicycle Club!

We are excited to have you riding with us this year. Without your enthusiasm and support, we would not be able to provide our members with the benefits and opportunities of an organized bicycling club. 

As a group of Central Illinois recreational cycling enthusiasts of varying skill levels and riding styles, our members share a common goal of promoting safe cycling for recreation, fitness, and fun. As the Wheelers are a supporting member of Ride Illinois and the League of American Bicyclists, your membership also strengthens our cycling community and advances bicycle-friendly initiatives.  

We hope you will take advantage of your membership benefits:

  • Fellowship of social rides
  • Weekly email newsletter about club events and other news of interest to cyclists
  • Invitations to social events
  • Submit suggestions for rides
  • List cycling related items for sale or to give away in our Classifieds section
  • 10% Discount on parts and accessories from local bicycle stores:

See our website and Facebook page for additional information, events, and contact info.

Thank you again for joining the Wheelers bicycle community. We hope to see you on a ride or at an event very soon. If you have any questions about your membership, club activities, or would like more information on ride opportunities, please reach out.


Michelle Celestine, president