Unless otherwise noted, group rides will begin from the Underwood Park Brander Shelter, 900 S. Linden Street at the north end of the park with convenient access to the Constitution Trail.
Wheeler Spring Training Rides
Training Rides begin each year in early May. The goal of the Tuesday and Thursday evenings, and Sunday afternoon rides is to get new and returning riders in shape for the season and the Spring Metric.
Over six weeks, the ride distance will increase from 5 miles to 20 miles on the Tuesday and Thursday rides, and from 10 to 30 miles on the Sunday rides. You don’t need to be a Wheeler member, but your support is of course appreciated. See emails and calendar for times and meet up locations.
Century Training Series
A second training series will increase your endurance from 20 to 100 miles over about 12 weeks. A Century (100 mile ride) is tentatively planned for late July. The Century series is designed for cyclists that have never previously ridden a Century.
Starting in late April or early May, the Century training series will be Weekend mornings, both Saturday & Sunday at the same time & place (Underwood Brander Shelter) as the usual weekend Show & Go. Times will get earlier for June through August and distances will increase by approximately 5 to 7 miles further each weekend. You can ride one or both days on the weekend as desired. <Training suggestions here.>
For more information or to be added to the notification list, contact Allan at: magriffy@comcast.net. These are NO-Drop rides with a relatively casual pace of 11 to 13 mph. The pace will be set by the slowest riders. We want everyone to feel comfortable with their own level.
Out of Town (OOT) Rides (June to September)
Back by popular demand beyond Normal rides in nearby communities. Explore some new trails! info and meet-up on Facebook and website calendar. Unless otherwise noted, rides will be on paved trails or paths suitable for road or hybrid bikes. Must have your own bike transport or arrange to share bike rack or van space. Helmet required and lights are always a good idea!
Show & Go Rides
Show and Go rides leave daily from Underwood Park at times indicated below. These rides do not usually have a designated leader. Destinations and speeds for rides will be agreed upon at the start depending on the mix of riders and wind direction. Rides may break into smaller groups to accommodate various distance and speed interests.
Some weekend Show & Go rides may have a culinary or other event destination. If this is the case, details will be posted on GroupMe, the website calendar and/or shared in weekly member emails. Please note that the focus of our Show & Go no drop rides is not racing or endurance, but rather to encourage and support safe, social cycling for recreation and fitness. Ride details and meet up locations in weekly members’ email.
Monthly Show & Go Schedule: Depart from Underwood Park at CT as follows: April 11:00a., May 10:00a, June 8:00a, July 7:00a, August 8:00a, September 9:00a, October 11:00a., November through March at 1:00p (warmest part of the day!).
No scheduled Show & Go Rides November through March. Members still ride, weather permitting. Ride info will be shared through emails, GroupMe and/or Facebook.
22th Annual Ride of Silence — May 15, 2025
Join us and bring your cycling friends and family for this short, police-escorted, early evening ride from Downtown Bloomington to Uptown Normal in honor of cyclists that have been killed or injured while riding. Details to follow in the newsletter.
It is suggested that you wear a black armband to honor those cyclists that we’ve lost in an accident or a red armband to recognize those who have been injured in a bike/motor vehicle accident. Please wear high visibility clothing and use lights on your bike if you have them.
Ice Cream Rides (Mid-June through early September)
Like the Show & Go, we can decide as a group the destination for the ride. The rides will mostly stay in or near BloNo as we meander the trails, neighborhoods, and bike lanes in search of ice cream and other interesting sites. Ride length of 8 -12 miles or about an hour of ride time. Ride details and meet up locations in weekly members’ email.
Full Moon and Night Rides (April – October)
Full moon rides, or near full moon rides to accommodate the weather, are held throughout the cycling season. Dates, time, and location vary. Details are announced on Facebook, the Wheeler website ride calendar and the weekly email newsletter. Additional night rides may be announced in the weekly member emails. If interested, contact magriffy@comcast.net.to be added to the night ride notification list.