Wheeler Socks

You are receiving this link because you replied to a Wheeler email indicating your interest in purchasing a specific number of Wheeler riding socks. Please purchase ONLY the number of pairs that were confirmed in your reply email. This form allows for a maximum purchase of 6 pairs of socks -- 2 of each size. Just keep clicking the size boxes. You will be charged $12 per pair through our PayPal account. The Wheeler newsletter provided sizing information. If you want more than 2 pair of any size you will need to submit another email indicating your intention to assure that we have adequate inventory. Upon receipt of confirmation, return to this link to complete and pay for the additional socks. Sorry about the complexity, however our website is not really designed for e-commerce of finite items. Enjoy your socks and wear them proudly!  Thanks for supporting the MC Wheelers.
Select size. $12/pair. Sizing information is in the newsletter.

Please be aware that the transfer to PayPal may take up to a minute. Please be patient. We apologize for the delay and are working on a speedier hand-off.